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Mid Term Reflection


My name is Daphne Golabian, I am the youngest of three children and I am from Richmond, Texas. I was a A and B student all throughout high school and really prided myself on that. Along with maintaining my grades I was also an athlete; I played volleyball all four years and when the season was done, we trained for the upcoming season. I am majoring in Economics but plan to change it to tailor more toward accounting because I enjoy numbers. My initial experience with college was that it wouldn’t be any harder that high school. I was entirely wrong; I went into my first few test with only studying a day or two just like I did in high school. I walked out the test thinking I did pretty well, turns out I failed both of my test and got a huge shock. I thought that my study habits from high school would suffice but that was not the case, so now I am learning new study habits to be able to pass my future exams and or to get me better prepared for them. I am however enjoying the academic independence, I am free to do my work whenever I want ,and it feel as though it makes me do better on my everyday assignments.

The term lifelong learning to me means the openness to learn new things even outside of school and I think it is important because everyone should want to learn new things. Knowledge is power and if we keep learning we gain more power. Persistence, curiosity, transfer, and personal responsibility are some of the four biggest things when it comes to lifelong learning and I feel that everyone has come in contact with all of these at one point or another. Persistence is the will to push forward even when you don’t feel you can or want to. It is choosing every day to make sure you do what you need to do to succeed, devolving a good habit in the process. I have a hard time with presentence because I tend to start off really strong and then one set back halts me to a stop. I like being on top of all my stuff but I get discouraged really quickly and that’s my hardest part of persistence; to keep going even through all the trials. I think a strength I have with persistence is the feeling of being ahead. I like being ahead so it pushes me to be more persistent. When the semester started, I was so excited to start to learn and be organized and do my best. When the first couple tests came around and I failed both of them it set me back tremendously. I felt that I had failed the easiest part of my classes so what was the point, I didn’t persevere and try harder I just stopped. Now I am feeling those consequences and I am sitting in the library on a Friday afternoon catching up on all my work. I am now caught up and even getting ahead on some other classes. Curiosity to me is when someone can appreciate and want to know more about new things. I think curiosity is a big strength of mine because I love to try new things and step out of my comfort zone. I am not afraid to ask questions and learn about something especially when it interests me. When I first applied to college I was interested in the medical field and felt that it was my calling to peruse, however I became interested in accounting because it like one big puzzle. I realized that curiosity helped me find what I wanted to do and what interested me more. However, curiosity stops me sometimes from sticking to one thing. I get so interested in one thing, then another and the cycle continues. I do still love the medical field and many other things; looking through classes I’ve realized that next semester I’d like to take an extra class in communications because I like working with people and learning new people’s stories. Transferring is when you learn something new and want to try it out and see how it can affect your life. This is something I enjoy doing, whenever I learn something new, I like to try it out or tell people what I’ve learned. My roommate and I eat dinner together and we usually tell each other facts that we have learned from each class throughout the day. It’s nothing big but it’s something that we can share knowledge on and it sparks new conversation that we can learn even more off of. Responsibility is probably my biggest one because I hold myself responsible for a lot of things. I think responsibility is when you take the blame for your actions and can recognize when you need improvement. Responsibility to me is so important to me because if you can’t hold yourself accountable for your mistake then you won’t be able to lean and grow off of them. I used to be very close minded and hated when people would tell me I was wrong. I quickly realized that was a toxic trait of mine and I had to adapt to being told when I was wrong. I now hold myself responsible to my own faults and try my best to adapt to them. As I mentioned before I failed my first two college test and was incredible disappointed with myself. I knew, however that it was no one’s fault but mine. I think that’s what made it sting a little bit more was because I did it to myself. I let myself be down for a little too long and now I am taking responsibility for it and trying to improve.

What I have taken away from all of this is that I do have many flaws but with every flaw I have a strength and I belove that I can turn my flaws into strengths. I also know that failure is inevitable and without failure you cannot get better. My goals for the rest of the semester are to study and let myself have the time to be a goof student, and to not get so down when I do fail. I need to have a better mind about it and not take it so negatively.

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